This project is funded by The Community Chest
Cervical Cancer
What is cervical cancer?
Cervical cancer is a cancer that starts in the cervix, which is the lower part of womb.
Worldwide, cervical cancer is the third most common cancer in women.
Risk factors
Infection with human papillomavirus (HPV) which mainly transmitted through sexual intercourse
Having sexual activity at an early age (<16)
Multiple sexual partners or sexual partner with multiple sexual partners
Smoking active (up to 3 fold increase in risk of cervical cancer) and passive smoking
Weakened immunity
The majority have no symptoms at the early stage.
The commonest symptom is irregular vaginal bleeding
Between periods, after sexual intercourse or after menopause
Other symptoms include...
vaginal discharge with foul smell
pelvic pain, backache
blood in urine or pain on passing urine
leg swelling
general malaise and weight loss
The above symptoms do not necessarily mean you have cervical cancer. They could be common conditions.
Consult a doctor if you develop symptoms of any kind.
Primary prevention
cervical cancer screening (cervical smear/pap smear test)
HPV vaccine
Other prevention
Have long-term, mutually monogamous relationship with an uninfected partner
Practice safer sex by using barrier and spermicidal contraceptives
Do not smoke and minimize exposure to second-hand smoking
Have diets rich in vegetables and fruits
Who need Pap smear?
All women aged 25-64 yrs, who have ever had sexual experience
Women below the age of 25 who had sexual experience and have risk factor for cervical cancer could seek medical advice from doctors concerning the need for cervical cancer
Women who never had sexual experience or who have had total hysterectomy (removal of uterus) do not need cervical smear
Screening interval
The screening interval can follow the sequence of 1 year, 1 year, 3 year, 3 year and so on. That is if the first 2 annual cervical smears show normal then repeat every 3 years
But if there is any problem such as vaginal bleeding or pain don’t wait for the next smear, see the doctor straight away even if the recent smear report is normal